Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cemetery for the Innocence- Part I

We did this is April 2011. We planted 330 crosses to commemorate the lives lost due to abortion. We also had signs up as well to bring attention to the violence of abortion. The reaction to this on the campus was upsetting because we had much backlash. We were called many names and were seen as intolerant. What is ironic about that argument is that the liberals on campus were being intolerant of our thought and for standing up for the dignity of life. It was the first time that the members personally and we as a club said to ourselves that this would be a long battle, in both to have and hold events, but also in the future as a fully-fledged club. We had much public outrage that students would desecrate our presentation that promoted love for the babies that had since died. The videos show what we went through and how we received national, regional, and local news. We woke up and became stronger from the destruction of the cemetery of the innocent. We utilized this event to formulate a stronger following. That following included people who sat on the fence on the prolife debate and said that people who did this were rude and disrespectful. We understand as a group that we will get tension but this was the first time it hit close to home.

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