Thursday, October 17, 2013

40 Days for Life

Hello, fellow pro-lifers! UB Students for Life has been alive and well, running smoothly and maintaining its positive force on campus. We've been engaged in quite a bit of life-defending activity, but the most notable event took place last Wednesday. On October 9, UB Students for Life had the exciting opportunity to participate in the 40 Days for Life campaign!

40 Days for Life is an international as well as community based pro-life campaign. Active throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, and many more countries across the globe, the campaign runs from September 25 to November 3. Today is Day 23, and there have been 276 babies saved... so far! 

The campaign's mission is to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life  a truly honorable and worthy cause that we were only too happy to join. We stood outside of the abortion clinic in downtown Buffalo known as Buffalo Women's Services for about an hour.

We will continue to stand for the small and be a voice for the voiceless. We are the pro life generation!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Planned Parenthood Project

This past Thursday, UB Students for Life had the honor of hosting the Planned Parenthood Project! Beth O'Malley and Missy Martinez came all the way from Students for Life of America in DC to help set up the display that exposed the shameful facts behind Planned Parenthood's business. They stood with us from nine to four, handing out mini flyers and engaging with students and community members alike. Minds were changed, people were informed, and awareness was raised! What a great day to be pro life!


Four posters, each one revealing the unsettling statistics and percentages taken from Planned Parenthood's own 2011-2012 annual report, their last report publicly released.

The fifth and final poster, offering safe, ethical, and pro life solutions to women who find themselves in need of true support.

To Buffalo all the way from DC, UB Students for Life were so grateful to have Beth O'Malley and Missy Martinez help in the fight for life. 

From left to right: Chris Puckett, Missy Martinez, Christian AndZel (Undergraduate Advisor), Greg Gaglione (Treasurer), and Jilina Damin. 

From left to right: Missy Martinez, Anne Mulrooney (Secretary), Christian AndZel (Undergraduate Advisor), Chris Puckett, and Jilina Damin.

Two club members, Eleni Mazur and Jilina Damin. 

Anne Mulrooney (Secretary) and Jon Whited (Vice President). 

The 915 crosses, representing the 915 unborn children killed each day from abortion. 

Our two mini-flyers that were given out on Thursday, front and back. 

We will continue to do our best to raise awareness, change minds, protect women and defend life. We are the pro life generation! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Be Courageous

Christian Andzel at the 

Students for Life of America's National Conference
January 2013

Memorial Day Parade Crew

Davis Podkulski, Jon Whited, Matt Ramsey, Christian Andzel, Greg Gaglione,  James Bennet, Christine Tja